Windows Explorer Is Dangerous!

January 20th, 2007

Windows threw this up at me the other day, I was amused. 🙂


USB Stepper Motor Controller

January 9th, 2007

This weekend I started work on a prototype for a USB stepper motor controller. This is the first step towards implementing some aircraft instruments for my flight sim panel project. I think I’ll try an airspeed indicator first, that is pretty straightforward.

There is a wealth of information at Mike’s Flight Deck and in his book Building Simulated Aircraft Instrumentation. (It was on my list, will have to talk with Santa)


It’s a boy!

December 26th, 2006

My lovely wife got me a son for Christmas. 🙂

Little Maddox was born on December 24th, 2006 at 1:30 AM.

I can’t wait to buy him his first breadboard and soldering iron!

Linux Quiz #006

December 19th, 2006

Shell Calculator (Submit Answer)

This Linux Quiz once again calls for a shell script. Create a shell script that outputs the following when called with “–help” or “-h” as an argument:

Usage: mycalc OPERATOR FIRST SECONDWhere OPERATOR is one of add,subtract,multiply,divide
FIRST and SECOND are numeric

When the script is called with OPERATOR FIRST SECOND it should print the correct result. For example:

mycalc add 1 2

should print 3

mycalc divide 32 4

should print 8 and so on.

Extra Credit:
Design your script to accept parameterized arguments, such as –op=divide -f=1 -s=2, that can be entered in any order.