New hosting

November 6th, 2018

If you can read this then the new hosting is live. 🙂

3D printing

June 27th, 2018

My wife surprised me this Father’s Day with a QIDI X-smart. It’s a great little printer that turned out high quality parts right out of the box. I’ve been making a lot of things, some of them even useful, and learning a lot.



Simple bash script for showing Farming Simulator mods

June 29th, 2017

Throwing this on here for my reference. Given a Farming Simulator 17 save game location it will print out a nice list of the mods in use.


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $(basename $0) "
    exit 1


cat "${DIR}/careerSavegame.xml" | \
grep -oP '(?< =modName=").+(?=" version)' | \
sed 's/" title="/ | /' | sort

New controller for laser

December 3rd, 2015

I replaced the controller in the laser engraver/cutter with an Arduino and RAMPS board. This lets me use g-code and thus an easier and more flexible workflow. Winter is here so shop time is limited but I did get some testing done and it works great.