Archive for the ‘Flight Sim’ Category

Flight simulator update

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

After a bit of a hiatus I am getting back to work on my general aviation cockpit simulator. I have circuit boards on order for the instruments so need to get to work on more of those. So far I have an air speed indicator and will probably start on the artificial horizon next. The joystick controller is finished but I need to etch a key matrix board that greatly simplifies hooking up switch inputs. Here are some pictures of my switch panel. The starter switch is a bit of a rough prototype and does not have the right feel so will eventually be rebuilt.

cockpit01 cockpit02

ASI movement

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Here is a short video of my test program moving the ASI needle.

More progress on the airspeed indicator

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

Some paint and an optical interruptor.

asi-025 asi-026


ASI – ready for paint

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

This is the final test assembly before painting. My first instrument is almost complete. =)

asi-013 asi-016

